


open transdisciplinary imaginary faculty

>>Fakultät Null manifest

by Fakultät Null collective and contributors




Interflugs Summer Academy 2009
with Interflugs, UdK Berlin


Find full program here: >> Berlin_Summeracademy


International summeracademy with workshops, lectures, filmscreenings and discussions: a DIY-art-academy organised by students, free and for all, a platform for creative and independent thinking about the circumstances of artistic work and education.


July 18, 2009
DEFECT //: Congress
in Festsaal Kreuzberg, Skalitzer Str. 130, Berlin 10999
July 23.  – August 13. 2009
EFFECT //: Summer-Academy
in Campus Rütli, Berlin-Neukölln, Rütlistr. 1-3, Berlin 12045



„The people have to talk to each other, about their thoughts, their feelings, about their educational intentions“ (Joseph Beuys)

Interflugs, the student-run initiative at the Berlin University of Art celebrated its 20th anniversary and invited everybody to the Neukölln neighborhood of Berlin to participate in the Effect//: Academy- the international interdisciplinary summer academy on Campus Rütli.
Basis of the non-academic academy was a critical evaluation of the present state of art education and students self-conception. It is these topics that were of crucial interest to the founders of Interflugs 20 years ago. The ongoing institutional problems and student protests of that time gave birth to their self-organisation.
The old questions keep recurring and especially against the backdrop of the controversial Bologna reforms, they seem as pressing as ever, calling for discussion and criticism:
What is the relation between art education and the prevalent conception of “the artist”?
How are education, production and distribution already subject to standardisation within art education, and in what way are intellectual independence and artistic work affected by institutional and normative procedures?
Can non-academic and trans-disciplinary projects initiate a production and transfer of knowledge?
These and other questions formed the basis of many workshops, lectures, screenings, discussion panels, participatory performances and urban interventions with international guests and artists.

The Campus Rütli, a complex of schools and social institutions in Berlin-Neukölln, hosted the main event: the Effect //: Academy from July 23 till August 13, 2009. This “autonomous zone” was the basis for collective living, working, learning and celebrating, together with international guests and artists. The aim was to develop a practice of art education that encourages creative initiative free from institutional restrictions.
Like a UFO, the Effect //:Academy landed in the neighbourhood often labelled as “socially difficult”. In reality the place is filled with various cultural networks and projects. In cooperation with local kids, neighbours and institutions, we aimed to weave our artistic dialogue into this reality.